Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions about the M.S.(R) Program
- MS(R) program vs M.Tech: Everything else is the same - duration, placement, apart from the number of courses that one has to do. An MS(R) is more focussed towards research. The courses you will do should be in line with the area you decide to work on. If your MS(R) is sponsored by a project, you will have to work on an area related to the project. The duration of the programme is 2-3 years - the same as an M.Tech. You can complete it in 2 years.
- An MS(R) programme involves only 15 credits of course work, whereas the M.Tech programme involves much more. An MS(R) involves much more of a research component, whereas an M.Tech typically involves much more of courses. The courses on offer are typically the same for any masters programme, be it the M.Tech, or the MS(R). Details of the M.Tech programme and the relevant courses can be found here The overall detailed curriculum-related information on the IITD website can be accessed here.
- Is my background sufficient? In view of the changed GATE syllabii (2021 onwards), the eligibility criterion for GATE-based admissions to the M.Tech programme is a valid GATE score in EC/CS. Students with other backgrounds may explore options related to an MS(R), which is a Masters programme more pointed towards research in a particular area, for which your background could be suitable. Please have a look at the current elligibility criteria in the current session's admissions brochure on the IITD website.
- Do I need a GATE score for admission, in case I am a non-sponsored candidate? If you come from a CFTI (Centrally Funded Technical Institute), and have a CGPA of 8 and above (on a 10-point scale), admissions may not be GATE score-based, but instead, may be based on interviews. Please have a look at the current elligibility criteria in the current session's admissions brochure on the IITD website.
Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions about Project-Sponsored M.S.(R) Seats
We have a few project-sponsored M.S.(R) positions available -
these are in addition to the Institute-ordained number of seats.
A candidate may opt for such a seat right at the time of
What are the perks of such a position?
Please read, below!
The only difference between a M.S.(R) programme and an M.Tech programme is that the former has less courses, more research work. The duration, facilities, industry placement, hostel facilities - all remain the same. Some project-sponsored positions have additional perks - some have an enhanced monthly fellowship, some have internship programmes with the sponsoring company - which could be anywhere in the world, separate contingency budget support, support for foreign travel for attending international conferences, close interaction with the industry/sponsoring agency, personalised planning of the course work, and much more. - Does the project-sponsored MS(R) constrain me to work with the sponsoring agency, after the completion of my MS(R)? No, in no way! There is no bond, you can apply for the IITD placements will all other M.Tech/MS(R) students. On the other hand, this may actually be a blessing in disguise in case you want to work for the sponsoring company, since they will have seen your work closely, and may view your job application more favourably, if you do good work. And please note - many sponsoring agencies do not even come for campus placements (but are excellent employers!)
Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions about Institute 3-year RA M.Tech/M.S.(R) Seats
- RA'ship, or Research Assistantship - is an M.Tech/M.S.(R) position for which students will be awarded an enhanced fellowship. Students are expected to put in more hours of work per week, as opposed to the stipulated number of hours per week to be put in by an student awarded TA'ship (Teaching Assistantship), whose fellowship is the standard fellowship at IITD. An RA will be expected to help in the running of laboratory activities in the group. This also gives a student ample scope and time for research, with more access to dedicated laboratory facilities, and more time for the M.Tech project/M.S.(R) research, with a reduced course load per semester.