Computer Technology at IIT Delhi was started in 1976. It was one
of the earliest courses in the branch of Computer Science
offered in India when computers were in their early age of
development. This was much before the establishment of a separate
Computer Science & Engineering department in IIT Delhi.
The Computer Technology Group pursues
research in broad areas of
Computer Networking, Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems,
Parallel and Distributed Processing, Big Data Analysis,
CAD for VLSI, Computer Vision and Image Analysis,
Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Data Analytics,
Neural Networks,
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,
Multimedia Systems,
Graph Theory, Systems Biology,
Bioinformatics, and Music and Audio Processing.
The group comprises of faculty members, and PhD,
M.S.(Research), M.Tech
and Dual Degree students.
It may be interesting to note that the Computer Technology
programme has been selected as one of the top 5 Masters
programmes in
the entire institute. There were three programmes from the
Electrical Engineering Department in this elite group, the other
two programmes being the Integrated Electronics and Circuits
(IEC) programme, and the VLSI Design: Tool and Technologies
(VDTT) programme (which is jointly run with the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering. This is indeed a great honour
for the group, since the other three Computer-related Masters
programmes do not figure in this list of top 5 - the M.Tech in
Computer Science and Engineering of the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, the M.Tech in Computer Applications of
the Department of Mathematics, and the M.S.(R) of the Shashi and
Amar Nath School of Information Technology.
We have a set of state-of-the-art set of Masters-level and above
courses in Computer Science and Engineering,
in five streams: Cognitive and Intelligent Systems,
Embedded Intelligent Systems, Computer Communication and Networks,
Multimedia Information Processing, and Internet Technologies.
Details can be found here.
These also form the five thrust areas of research in the group.
Faculty members of the group have won many prestigious National
awards, and have many sponsored industrial and government
projects with them. Some of these include
- Multilingual OCRs for Indian Scripts (A Rs.11 crore multi-institutional project, coordinated by the group, sponsored by the MCIT, Government of India)
- Autonomous Robotics (a Rs.9 crore project involving 5 groups, two in the EE Department, sponsored by the BRNS, Government of India)
- Wireless Sensor Networks (a Rs.4.32 crore project, sponsored by the NAIP)
- National Programme in Perception Engineering (a Re.1 crore multi-institutional project, jointly coordinated by the group, sponsored by the MCIT, Goverment of India) Currently in Phase II (a multi-institutional project, sponsored by the MCIT, Government of India, with the IITD outlay itself Rs.2.6082 crores)
- Satellite Communication (a Rs.65 lakhs project, sponsored by the ADA, Government of India)
- Indian Digital Heritage Project (a multi-institutional project coordinated by the group, sponsored by the DST, Goverment of India)
- 3-D TV (sponsored by the DST, Government of India)
- Green sensor networks (sponsored by Alcatel)
News (30 January, 2025): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty was invited to DD India Primetime to give his opinion on Deepseek and today's announcement by the ministry to build India-centric LLMs. A link to the video is here.

News (17 January, 2025): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty receives the Adobe research gift for the third consecutive year!
News (December, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty elected as a Program Chair of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2025 (Core A* conference).

News (20 November, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty awarded the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship for Experienced Researchers
News (14 August, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty receives the IETE – Prof Anita Gopal Dandekar Award for GenAI

News (29 July, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty on DD Urdu, on ChatGPT and Academic Integrity: [Link]
News (07 July, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty awarded the the PaliGemma Academic Program GCP Credit Award from Google
News (28 June, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty awarded the Microsoft Academic Partnership Grant (MAPG) 2024.
News (16 June, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty's Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications paper gets media coverage: https://indianexpress.com/article/education/hinglish-helps-users-engage-more-effectively-on-social-media-iit-delhi-study-9392624/
News (06 February, 2024): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty's opinion piece accepted in the Communications of the ACM, `The Promethian Dilemma of AI at the Intersection of Hallucination and Creativity'.
News (10 December, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty awarded an outstanding reviewer award at EMNLP (Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing), 2023.
News (19 November, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty's ACM Global interview on how LLMs like ChatGPT spread pseudo-science: [Link]. Prof. Chakraborty's article on this was also published in the Communications of the ACM, December 2023, Vol. 66 No. 12, Pages 16-19 10.1145/3616863: [Link].
News (26 September, 2023): Prof.Swades De elected a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA)
Prof.Tapan K. Gandhi awarded the APJ Abdul Kalam Fellowship of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
News (14 September, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty wins the Adobe Faculty Award
News (18 August, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty's IJCAI paper, `Learning and Reasoning Multifaceted and Longitudinal Data for Poverty Estimates and Livelihood Capabilities of Lagged Regions in Rural India' is awarded the "AI and Social Good IJCAI'23 Award". The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) is one of the top two AI conferences (long with AAAI). This conference generally receives 10k+ papers every year and accepts approx 15%.
News (11 July, 2023): Prof. Tapan K. Gandhi's work on congenital cataract makes it to the news. [news clip]. This is based on his recent PNAS paper.
News (10 July, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty's work on LLMs for cross-lingual prompt engineering is awarded "The Outstanding Paper Award" at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'23).
News (22 April, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty's opinion piece accepted in Nature Machine Intelligence, `The Promethian Dilemma of AI'.
News (04 April, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty selected as an ACM Distinguished Speaker.
News (24 February, 2023): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty bestowed with the IEI Young Engineer award.
News (October, 2022): Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty awarded the Indo-German Paired Early Career Fellowship in Applied Research (PECFAR).
News (24 August, 2022): Prof. Santanu Chaudhury elected a fellow of the AAIA.
News (August, 2022): Prof. Tapan K. Gandhi elected as a Fellow of the INAE.
Our Multi-faceted Prof. Prathosh A. P. gives a lecture on the Doordarshan National News Channel in Sanskrit, talking about AI and his work (12 December, 2020): here.
News (September, 2016): Prof. Swades De elected as a Fellow of the INAE.
News (July, 2016): A team from Multimedia lab team (involving C.Tech M.S, M.Tech and Ph.D students) supported by Flytxt (a company with whom the Computer Technology group has a consultancy project through FITT)) has been placed 3rd in this year's KDD Cup among 341 teams across the world. This group was guided by Prof. Santanu Chaudhury. Specific details may be found here.